Harness the Power of Podcast Advertising

Hands down, podcasting is one of the most exciting emerging channels for brands to advertise in. This is one of the fastest-growing channels in media, representing $4B in advertising spend today and projected to reach $16B in 2032!

Beat your competition by investing in this influential, on-demand format where consumers are spending more and more of their time.

Activate your brand at scale today with our portfolio of passionate creators in popular genres like True Crime, Health & Fitness, Comedy, Education, and more.

Our Brand Partners

Why Advertise in Podcasts?

Podcast consumption is on the rise.

73% of the U.S. 12+ population (an estimated 209M people) have listened to podcasts in the last month, up from 68% in 2021.

Source: The Infinite Dial, 2022

Listeners buy products from podcast ads.

Because podcast hosts are influencers in their own right, an amazing 69% of listeners say that podcast ads introduced them to new products or services.

Source: Impact Plus, 2022

You have listeners’ full attention.

Listeners think of their favorite podcast hosts as friends, with 81% of listeners saying they pay attention to podcast ads more than they do to radio, TV, billboard, or social media ads.

Source: Buzzsprout, 2022

Discover how podcast advertising can supercharge your brand.